Imagine you have a time machine, just like in the movies. This machine allows you to travel back to any point in the past. Let's say you're curious about what your grandparents were like when they were young, so you decide to travel back to when your grandfather was a teenager. Once you get there, you accidentally prevent your grandfather from meeting your grandmother. Maybe you say something that causes them to dislike each other, or you inadvertently create a situation that keeps them apart. Whatever the reason, they never end up meeting, and because of that, they never get married, and they never have children. Now, think about what this means: if your grandfather and grandmother never had children, then your parents wouldn't be born. And if your parents weren't born, then you wouldn't be born either! This creates a huge problem because if you were never born, then how could you have traveled back in time in the first place to stop your grandparents from meeting...